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The FLU can be anywhere!

Pharmacy 547 Flu Vaccinations

Its that time of the year again - Flu Season!

You know the drill - some one in your office or school classroom is coughing and sneezing all over the place, they come into work and hang around you all day and then the next thing you know...

You're stuck at home on the couch with a pile of tissues feeling extremely sorry for yourself. You think that by staying at home, you'll keep your bug away from others and be back to work the next morning.

But in reality this might stick around for a week or more, keeping you stuck in bed and unable to doing housework, sport or anything that requires leaving the house. "That sounds good to me!" you might say, "I've been needing some time off work!" But catching the Influenza virus is a serious illness and not a part the well needed break you've been wanting.

Influenza, or as its more commonly known - the Flu, can be a serious illness that is sometimes fatal. Infection with the Influenza Virus may lead to a stay in hospital, and can make an existing medical condition much worse. No matter what you age is, the flu can get you down, but it can be particularly bad for those who are elderly or who have an ongoing medical condition.

"But how do I know whether I have the Influenza Virus or just a common cold?"

It can be quite simple to spot the differences between Influenza and a Cold. But always seek help and check with your Doctor (and no, we're not talking about trusty old Dr. Google).

A cold virus only affects the nose, throat and upper chest and will usually last a few days. Where as Influenza can be a serious illness that affects the whole body and can last for a week or more!

"Ok, so now I know what to look out for, but how can I protect myself and my family in the first place?"

You could come in contact with Influenza at anytime, and around 1 in 4 Kiwi's are infected with Influenza each year. As influenza can be anywhere, coming in contact with the virus is almost unavoidable. Even if you're fit and healthy, it will not stop you from getting Influenza.

The best way to ensure that you can protect yourself and lessen the chance of bringing it home to a baby, older relative or someone with a medical condition, is to get immunised. Almost everyone can benefit from the protection of an annual Influenza immunisation.

The vaccination is especcially important for people who are at risk of serious complications from Influenza including,

Pregnant Women

People with ongoing medical conditions (like Asthma, Diabetes, Heart or Lung Conditions)

and People aged 65 and Over

And guess what - the Influenza Immunisation is FREE to those who are most at risk!

But don't worry, we want everyone to stay nice and healthy this winter, so Pharmacy 547 is providing Influenza Immunisations for only $25!

We also offer special staff flu vaccination specials when you book for 10 or more people.

Do you need anymore convincing?!

Pop in store or call us today at Pharmacy547 to book your Influenza Vaccination so you can keep yourself, your family and your community healthy this winter!

Information sourced from the Ministry of Health New Zealand, 2017.

Come in store or call us on (07)8390795 if you have any questions or queries.

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